Fantastic weather, an abundance of snow, and a special appearance from Santa Claus himself created an unforgettable experience at this year’s Holiday Market at Coastal Point.
Our fourth annual Autumn Harvest Festival has come to an end, and we couldn’t be happier with the turnout. Read on to learn more about the events and to see all the incredible photos we captured.
As the spring season comes to a close and we enter the summer months, we’re taking a moment to recognize Coastal Point Yard of the Month winners of April and May. Each month, Coastal Point selects one home to feature as the dedicated Yard of the Month. The homeowner who’s selected is awarded with a $50 gift card and has the honor of displaying Coastal Point’s Yard of the Month sign in front of their home.
On Saturday, April 23, Coastal Point hosted their first annual Spring Market Event as a way to usher in the new season and thank the wonderful homeowners.
We’re pleased to announce that new homes are now selling in Coastal Point’s newest section. Learn more about the community’s available homesites below, and why you should call one of them home.
With everything that’s happened in the community this year, we thought that we’d take this opportunity to share some of Coastal Point’s best highlights with you from 2021.
Coastal Point just hosted their Fall Harvest Event event at the Coast House and Lawn, and it was a huge success.
On June 18th, we hosted our first Film & Float Night of the year right here in the Coastal Point community. If you’re having some serious FOMO (fear of missing out), don’t fret — we have three more dates that are set aside for you and your loved ones to put on your swimsuits and join us at the Coast House for a movie night in the pool.
From hosting birthdays and celebrating major milestones to organizing family game nights, the way that you choose to use our amenities is only limited by your imagination. Here are some of our favorite fun ways to make the most out them.
Coastal Point was designed to provide the essentials for good living, and it isn’t an exaggeration to say that there’s always something new and exciting happening in our community. See our highlights for what’s happening and what’s to come at Coastal Point in the coming months.